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Mindful Decluttering: Enhancing Your Well-being Through Organization, Sound and Meditation

With many opportunities for personal growth presented to each of us daily by the World and Life, many people are prioritizing improved mental health. One of the most effective methods to achieve this is through decluttering and organizing their surroundings.

A study conducted by Forbes indicates that improving mental health ranked at 3rd place for ‘24 New Year’s resolutions. Disorganization often has a negative impact on how we perceive ourselves and our lives, affecting our memory, eating habits, mood, and impulse control. Moreover, a cluttered environment has been linked to elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol and chronic anxiety disorders, according to Daniel Levitin, a behavioral neuroscientist at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.

A study published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology revealed that clutter can diminish well-being, happiness, and feelings of safety in personal spaces. Additionally, living in clutter can contribute to feelings of being overwhelmed and mentally disorganized. This, in turn, affects our ability to focus, make decisions, and ultimately leads to exhaustion.

The Productivity Cost of Clutter

Clutter and disorganization can significantly reduce productivity. Time is often lost searching for misplaced items, missing appointments, or falling behind on tasks. Levitin estimates that the average person loses around 5% of their time due to disorganization. This can translate into tangible financial costs and reduced quality of life.

While organizing may not directly alleviate diagnosed depression, there are several science-backed benefits to maintaining a tidy space. Getting organized can lead to reduced exhaustion, increased productivity, and an overall enhanced experience of one’s achievements, subsequently leading to a heightened experience and quality of life.

Mental and Physical Benefits of Organization

Renowned psychology professor Joseph Ferrari from DePaul University highlights that nearly every mental health downside associated with disorganization can be improved through getting organized, echoing the afore mentioned benefits.

Neha Khorana, a clinical psychologist based in Atlanta, agrees, noting that organization can also reduce anxiety symptoms. Being organized is associated with lower levels of anxiety and promotes better mental health.

Cleaner homes have been linked to improved physical health. According to Libby Sander, assistant professor of organizational behavior at Bond University in Australia, tidy spaces are associated with greater physical activity and better overall well-being. Organized individuals are also more likely to maintain healthier diets and avoid excess weight gain.

Organizing your environment can lead to reduced stress levels, greater personal efficiency, and even improved sleep quality. Additionally, a decluttered space can positively impact your relationships by eliminating distractions that hinder communication and emotional connection.

Starting Your Decluttering Journey

For some, it may seem like a daunting task. Beginning the decluttering process can be challenging, so it is essential to start small. Clinical psychologist Natalie Christine Dattilo recommends focusing on one area at a time, such as a single drawer, bookshelf, or kitchen pantry as you imagine how you can utilize your organized space for a more productive and fulfilling life. This gradual approach prevents feeling overwhelmed. It also provides the sense of small-step accomplishments.

And if you want to spice up your experience, enhance the decluttering process by listening to music or an audiobook, making the task more enjoyable. Set aside specific blocks of time to organize and visualize the benefits of a well-organized space as motivation.

And if you have a really hard time to get going or persevering,  don’t be shy to enlist support from family, friends, or professional organizers if needed.

Strategies for Organizing

When organizing, categorize items into "keep," "toss," and "relocate" groups. If you prefer not to go the “toss” route, consider donating items to Goodwill or selling them at a second hand store or online. Keep only items you truly need and consider off-site storage for items you wish to preserve but don't require regularly. Julie Morgenstern, a professional organizer, recommends having a designated spot for every item you wish to keep.

Approach the sorting process logically, rather than relying solely on the emotional attachment to items. Ferrari advises against holding an item to determine if it brings joy, as this can increase attachment. Instead, focus on whether the item serves a practical purpose.

Digital Decluttering

Equally important to a “physical” declutter is the importance of digital decluttering. Unsubscribe from emails you don't read, organize your inbox regularly, and create folders for documents. Be vigilant and stick with the practice. Even dedicating a few minutes a day to digital organization can lead to significant progress over time.

Be aware of Resistance

Change can be challenging, especially when it comes to decluttering our lives. It’s easy to stick with what’s familiar because it feels more comfortable. But remember, resistance can take many forms—procrastination, excuses, and distractions can all hold you back.

Consider the dictum: “If nothing changes…nothing changes.” To truly succeed in decluttering, start by acknowledging why it’s important to you. Envision the benefits - more space, clarity, and peace of mind. Once you recognize the rewards, you’ll find the motivation to move forward. Begin to create the change and many benefits mentioned above to take hold in your life.

Mindfulness and Sound Meditation for Clarity

Mindful living and daily meditation practice can transform your perspective on life and help you embrace positive changes. If you are looking for inspiration how to get started, consider experiencing a sound bath. They can serve as a way to re-balance and harmonize the entire being. Before you partake, set the proper intention incorporating some of the above aspects to gain clarity. Adding sound meditation, whether through a mantra, sung affirmations, or instruments like a singing bowl, enhances this practice by using soothing sounds and vibrations to relax your mind and sharpen your focus. By including sound meditation in your decluttering routine, you can clear your mind and bring a more intentional approach to organizing and streamlining your inner and outer space. And more importantly, to stay organized and decluttered…

Conclusion on Intentional Living

Let not anything hold you back from experiencing the transformative power of intentional living by embracing organization and decluttering. These actions demand decision-making, emotional resilience, patience, and commitment. By incorporating sound therapy, meditation, and mindfulness into your routine, you can elevate both your environment and your well-being, fostering a more balanced and vibrant lifestyle.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" - Lau Tzu

Taking on these practices shows that you value yourself and your space. By doing so, you invest in your inner and outer sanctuary that reflects your worth and supports your journey toward harmony and fulfillment. Take the step today—your future self will thank you.