Your modern day multi-faceted Vision Board

Have you had the time, energy, clarity or opportunity to think about and identify your ideal life? Your dreams? Have you mapped them out visually? And furthermore…do you have a course of action on how to make them a reality?
Participants of our transformational sound therapy events often tell us:
“Yes, that was super relaxing and I was able to let go and detach, however, how can I apply the insights, revelations and benefits from the session to my preoccupied and stressful ‘life-out-there’, on a sustained basis...? How can I remain mindful about my goals and aspirations and take a focused approach in making them a reality?
And, are you asking questions like: How can I feel more content in life? How am I going to progress in my job? What does it take to improve my health, relationship, or income…?
Welcome to the Dyna-Mo™, a dynamic and effective visual and acoustical
blueprint to synthesize your future.

Consider that about 90% of the information we absorb enters through the eyes, the portal to our visual sense. And now imagine that the human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than words.
We are programed to create and respond to images in our mind. Humans think in images, not words. Say “TIGER” to a friend and ask her what she saw in her mind. It surely won’t be the word “T-I-G-E-R”. In other words, images form a universal language. And moving images can be much easier for our brains to absorb, accept and recall.

“When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her and enters into her own image.”
- Meister Eckhart / 13th Century German Philosopher

Modern Science
Without going into quantum physics and quantum entanglement – which Albert Einstein famously described as ‘spooky action at a distance’ - ‘vision boards’ are recognized to work as tools for manifestation as they take the thoughts and dreams in your head and eventually transform them into reality, if you are prepared to apply the formula.

“To bring anything into your life, imagine that it’s already there.”
- Richard Bach

Try it out for yourself, our custom-tailored Dyna-Mo™ formula will work with your higher consciousness and serve you as powerful motivator for envisioning and achieving what you want to see manifested in your life.
The process is simple and straightforward:
you answer several specific questions we ask of you in a questionnaire
you send us a number of your own photos and video clips
voila, we apply our alchemy and creative process and within short you receive your Dyna-Mo™, a personal and customized vision board movie with powerful statements, images, subliminal messages supported by motivational visualization music, relevant to what you want to manifest
Your visualization movie is a fun, convenient, effective, and easy-to-use method to strengthen your intentions that can be applied for a few minutes each morning, evening, or several times during the day. In addition, it is a great boost in times when needing to overcome doubt, fear or challenges, as it solidifies and reinforces the images that you have created in your mind, beginning with when you answered our questionnaire.

“When you visualize for the joy of visualizing rather than with the intention of correcting some deficiency, your thoughts are more pure and therefore more powerful.”
- Abraham Hicks

Additional benefits for you:
The confusion, indecision and procrastination on getting around to making some sort of a visual manifestation tool (i.e. vision board) is over
By defining your answers while working with our assessment, you get to truly think about what you want in life as it pertains to your relationship, family, your work or mission in life, your health, where you live, your level of income and much more. This cognitive process will begin to activate Albert Einstein’s ‘spooky action in the distance’, a portal to your future
There is no fussing around with software or investment of your precious time to make it look and sound perfect - after you submit your answers, you sit back and relax, we take care of it
Within a few days you receive a high-quality personalized visualization movie, ready to be played whenever and wherever you want on your various digital platforms or your TV set
Depending on the plan you choose you will gain access to additional tools and options designed to support your process of mindful manifestation
Furthermore, applying the movie regularly adds a convenient piece to your basket of self-care items

Who is the Dyna-Mo™ intended for?
Anyone who wants to pursue a specific goal, i.e., build a successful business, progress in their job, improve their health, travel the world, overcome certain fears, attract the ideal partner, lose weight etc., in short, those who are looking for an effective way to create essential building blocks for their ideal life
Individuals who are seeking success in their life and know that adversity and challenge are not a hindrance to success
People of any age or background who lack motivation, clarity, direction or consistency in what they want
Conscious seekers who know that their own manifestation ultimately radiates hope and acts as a positive ripple in the grand tapestry of life, for all
Anyone who has been wanting to create a ‘visualization tool’ but never had the time or energy for it
People who get easily distracted
Individuals who embrace the power of visualization but lack the creative or logistical abilities to make it happen
Those who do not have the skill or are tired of postponing visualizing their future
The ones who have tried visualization techniques before, but lack the tangible results
Anyone who is curious about or already believes in the Law of Attraction

Who is it NOT intended for?
Folks who are ok with where they are in life
Those who are convinced they can do it themselves, but actually never get around doing it because life gets in the way
Anyone with a narrow bandwidth

“See yourself living in abundance, and you will attract it. It works every time with every person.”
- Bob Proctor
“I would visualize things coming to me. It would just make me feel better. Visualization works if you work hard. That’s the thing. You can’t just visualize and go eat a sandwich.”
- Jim Carrey
“Visualization is the human beings vehicle to the future – good, bad or indifferent.
It’s strictly in our control.”
- Earl Nightingale

Meet Carl, an aspiring employee who is trying his best to deal with the new paradigm
Watch this sample version of the Silver Dyna-Mo™ option which simulates a scenario where Carl can be either systematically regressing in his job, be inconsistent, stuck, or he may resemble the top performer who wants to go higher, faster.
The scenario can be applied to goals related to health, career choice, relationships, home, travel, your mission in life and many more.
Introductory pricing, limited time offer
Choose from these options to make it happen for you
Dyna-Mo™ - Bronze
Your 1 ½ - 2 minute long personal visualization movie featuring up to 10 of your own photos or videos (short 10 – 20 second clips) in total.
‘Conscious Visualization’ - 9-page PDF guide with powerful tips on using your imagination to create your ideal life
‘Attracting’ - audio meditation journey - download, designed to solidify the visualization you co-created with your Dyna-Mo™, ideal to program your unconscious
Dyna-Mo™ - Silver
Your 2 1/2 - 3 minute long personal visualization movie featuring up to 15 of your own photos or videos (short 10 – 20 second video clips) in total.
The choice to schedule a 10-15 minute Zoom or phone call before we create your visualization movie
‘Conscious Visualization’ - 9-page PDF guide with powerful tips on using your imagination to create your ideal life
‘Attracting’ - audio meditation journey - download, designed to solidify the visualization you co-created with your Dyna-Mo™, ideal to program your unconscious
Plus you will receive these bonuses:
‘Living Mindfully’ - your 3-page assessment and guide with ideas on how to take a more mindful approach to life
Your 28-page ‘Meditation made simple for everyone’ booklet in PDF format introducing the powerful concepts, practices and tips of the ancient tool of meditation, ideal for becoming more aware and balanced in our busy modern times
Dyna-Mo™ - Gold
Your 3 1/2 - 4 minute long personal visualization movie featuring up to 20 of your own photos or videos (short 10 – 20 second video clips) in total.
The choice to schedule a 10-15-minute Zoom or phone call before we create your visualization movie, and a 10-15 minute Zoom or phone call a few days after you have received and worked with it to review the application of your visualization tool
‘Conscious Visualization’ - 9-page PDF guide with powerful tips on using your imagination to create your ideal life
‘Attracting’ - audio meditation journey - download, designed to solidify the visualization you co-created with your Dyna-Mo™, ideal to program your unconscious
Plus you will receive these bonuses:
‘Living Mindfully’ - your 3-page assessment and guide with ideas on how to take a more mindful approach to life
Your 28-page ‘Meditation made simple for everyone’ booklet in PDF format introducing the powerful concepts, practices and tips of the ancient tool of meditation, ideal for becoming more aware and balanced in our busy modern times
‘Inspirationals’ - your 52-page book in PDF format featuring a collection of nature photography coupled with inspirational writings by Marian Kraus

“Inherent in every desire are the entire mechanics for its fulfillment.”
- Dr. Deepak Chopra

Frequently Asked Questions
The name finds its origins in the combination of the Greek word ‘Dyna’, meaning power, and ‘Mo’ representing, Momentum, Motivation and Movie
Your movie will be custom designed and created by Marian, a human, for sure. You will benefit from his experience as photographer and visual storyteller. Read his story here or visit his photography websites Marian Kraus Photography. All Dyna-Mo™ products are individually crafted and custom produced by us domestically.
Upon receipt of your order you will receive a download link for the various items that come with your chosen plan as well as our questionnaire, the backbone for your movie. After filling out the form and submitting it to us, we will have your high-definition Dyna-Mo™ ready for you and delivered via download within 3 - 5 business days, or sooner. It can be played on any of your digital devices as well as your TV set. Please note that the Dyna-Mo™ comes with an instrumental musical soundtrack, and is not narrated. It is free of commercial branding or logos, and represents only your ‘personal brand’.
In order for you to strengthen your intentions we recommend that you apply it regularly for a few minutes each morning, evening, or several times during the day. In addition, watch it whenever you need a boost for overcoming doubt, fear or challenges. Keep in mind that whenever you watch it, you are solidifying and reinforcing your intentions which are highlighted in your visualization movie.
Yes, if you want any of your own photos or videos to appear in your movie, then send us the proper amount according to your subscription plan via WeTransfer. Please send photos in high resolution format and videos of up to 20 seconds in duration. Please note that we will not edit any of your content and utilize it in its ‘as is’ state. If you prefer not to send any of your own, that is OK, it will be a dynamic and awesome visualization tool for you either way.
No, if you prefer not to have a phone or Zoom call (as part of the Silver and Gold plans), that is OK. Answering our questionnaire in as much detail as possible will give us enough ingredients to apply our creative alchemy.
Once you place your order, you will receive our custom tailored questionnaire, which will give us a clear creative direction, and also give you the option to choose between various design aspects, as well as the audio style accompanying your movie. And if you prefer not to bother with any of the creative options, no problem, we got you covered with our creative alchemy.
Absolutely, it is a great gift idea. For your convenience, choose the proper plan for the lucky recipient, and cover it with one of our gift certificate options.
Whereas a paper vision board can be a powerful tool itself, the ability to feel in your mind like it’s already happened is more easily assisted via a multi-dynamic vision board…in the form of movie instead. Plus you have the advantage of being able to conveniently carry and view it anywhere, anytime.
Yes, if you are an individual who wants to go deeper and wishes to receive consistent and personalized guidance in a systematic way, we offer several additional options.
You have to be a vibrational match to what you are asking for. Any form of self-care amplifies and heightens your energetic frequencies. Self-care has been defined as "a multidimensional, multifaceted process of purposeful engagement in strategies that promote healthy functioning and enhance well-being." Essentially, the term describes a conscious act a person takes in order to promote their own physical, mental, and emotional health. The secret to any success is that we cannot achieve it by striving for it. Success, like happiness, is the automatic consequence of who we are, of what we have become, and of our inner attitudes. And as mentioned before, your Dyna-Mo™ is part of your self-care toolkit.
You may have heard sayings such as: Like attracts like...Birds of a feather flock together…Where thought goes, energy flows...What one holds in mind tends to manifest. The Law of Attraction is a philosophy suggesting that positive thoughts bring positive results into a person's life, while negative thoughts tend to do the opposite. One very important aspect to always remember are the last five letters in Attr-A-C-T-I-O-N. Hence your Dyna-Mo™ can be seen as your portal, your springboard to positive outcomes in the quantum field of possibilities as a result of your work.
Absolutely, we also provide different options for corporate applications. For staff motivation or relaxation and inspirational breaks. Or as a great and unique way to to express a message of gratitude to your client. We also create customized video marketing messages featuring your brand in an aesthetically appealing and brand authentic format to be streamed as a mindful advertisement during corporate conferences or workshop breaks. Please contact us for more details.

“In order to make visualization a reality in the world form, you must be willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen.”
- Dr. Wayne Dyer

And when you read our story, you will find out about the effectiveness of the simplest vision board, a napkin which eventually turned into a visualization movie…our path is a testimony of the effectiveness and power of visual tools.