
People share their experiences and insights about our ‘in person’ as well as online sound journey meditation sessions
There is no “cookie cutter”, “one size fits all” approach to personal transformation. We are all at different points in our journeys, interpret and integrate the ethereal in different ways.
Our services prompt releases that are psychological, emotional, physiological and, or spiritual in nature. Sound therapy provides an extraordinarily harmonizing, powerful and healing space that is fully experiential in nature.

“It is hard to believe that two humans can create such a broad range of sounds with instruments and the voice, without any digital gadgets or AI...”
“It was a life changing event for me”
“Thank you!! This is awesome! I feel that I have hit the jackpot with your sound therapy sessions...”
“OMGoodness that was a wonderful experience, so many movements throughout. Thank you for a wonderful journey this morning (due to time difference in Australia). I absolutely loved it and feel so at peace.”
“I joined in on your session last night and WOW. Just WOW. Loved every second of it and are so appreciative of you two sharing your beautiful gifts with us all :). It was just what I needed. ”
“Joining you two, even on a virtual basis, feels like a small step toward returning to ‘normal’. Your discussion, guided meditation and gong sound therapy is so helpful and therapeutic in these trying times...”
“Thank you for offering these experiences for so many reasons, but this time in particular for creating a bridge for my parents to better see & understand me. What a gift you 2 are! I’m so happy to know you in this life.”
“I played the recording of “Progression” this morning and am so appreciative of the wisdom, skill, and healing that is being shared!”
“Wow, thank you both. I wasn’t able to attend the live transmission of the “Receive” sound bath event...While watching the recording though, I had an issue that got resolved by taking the time to “receive”. Thanks again, what a great start into the week.”
“The recording of the ‘Clearing’ session allowed me to meditate once again with the sound. I felt like a new person after the gong bath, more clearheaded. Thanks, you did an amazing job!”
“It was wonderful. I listened to the recording three times. The harmony of the gongs, the technique you have developed, is amazing. I don’t know how to exactly describe this, but hearing the long, long hum that resonates within tones - it is incredible to say the least. It’s the Chicago Symphony in disguise. The best chamber orchestra I’ve heard. And I have been to Symphony Hall and Carnegie too. Your skills change, improve, improve, and improve. Gaby’s soothing meditation, combined with the tones, well, you almost did the impossible...me being in a state of total relaxation as relax is not in my vocabulary...but to quote a wise woman, “Anxiety is only a thought...”
“Thank you both so much again for another amazing night!!!! It’s such a blessing to be able to still listen to you two virtually....I appreciate both of you. Lots of love and peace to you and big hugs”
“It was lovely and wonderful, as always. I so appreciate the opportunity to participate in these virtual gong baths, especially now. Thank you, thank you, thank you! What a gift.”
“It was so effective and beyond needed...total RESET!!”
“Thank you! I am so glad you are doing these medications online. They have been very helpful during this time!”
“Thank you so much; it was powerful.”
“The session last night was wonderful! Thank you so much for making the sound bath available for replay. I will gladly listen to it again!”
“Last evening was especially fantastic. With the beautiful weather we were able to lie in the backyard and take in the gongs amidst cicadas and other fragments of the environmental soundscape. Thank you so much for hosting these virtual sound baths. They are a wonderful respite in an otherwise turbulent world.”
“This was my first virtual event. I recently attended your session at the Tom Zuba retreat and at the Franciscan Sisters auditorium. Listening at home alone was beyond words I can explain. Thank you for helping me to heal...”
“Can you not come here every week...? This was so much better than church...”

“What an amazing experience! This was awesome! No refund necessary! I apologize if you sensed such frustration when I asked for one. I actually was frustrated. I was emotionally spent after an entire day of grief work at the retreat with Tom Zuba...and I just wanted to relax Saturday evening and enjoy the sound bath. So I apologize if you felt I was rude to ask for a refund. You are doing such an awesome service in offering this light, love, and healing. Wishing you both the very best. Truly blessed for this experience.”
“Thank you so much for yours and Gaby’s tremendous service last night. I have gotten nothing but positive feedback from the participants. It was a great success!”
“The Delamora sound therapy healing immersions are sublime. From the first sound of the tingsha to the low, building rhythms of the gongs, Marian & Gabriela’s love and knowledge of their instruments is made clear. Through their playing, and sharing the healing spirit of the gongs, I was transported to a deeply peaceful and healing place…a place I hope to return to again through their beautiful offerings.”
“Throughout the session and multiple days after, I was amazed that the pain seemed to be muted...”
“In addition to the soothing peacefulness to which others have so eloquently attested, as musicians we must say that Marian & Gabriela are masterful at creating a symphony of sound. The musical tapestry both create is truly inspired, a highly developed composition being executed by an orchestra of two, washing the mind clean and renewing the soul.”
“I wanted to be clear with my communication and to learn to “speak my truth”...During the Overnight Awakenings sound bath meditation I experienced a cleansing to aid me in that flow.”
“THANK YOU so much for coming and bringing your wonderful healing sounds to our group. It is just what we needed in the middle of our week to both ground us as well as continue to move whatever “stuff” was coming up to be integrated. People absolutely loved the sounds —beautiful as well as eerie and melancholy all happening within minutes of each other, bringing up different emotions, memories and intentions—all moving us along in our journey of the moment. I love the crescendos and diminuendos creating so much drama as well as comfort — in the way you orchestrate your sound dance. Awesome.”
“I cannot adequately put into words the healing that this one-hour session has had on me.”
“What touches the most is nothing but vibration in its subtlest, or its most tangible form, which is “sound”. A Gong bath is one of the most beautiful treats one can give to themselves, the most non-violent, healthy and most effective way to re-align the nervous system, or may I say, each nano-particle of our being. Marian & Gabriela take us to this amazing journey where neither the time nor the space matters…It is not the sound of the gong but the silent spaces between the two which are a gateway to freedom! “Silent” and “listen” are made up of same letters which explains so much about them. Hope you take this journey over and over again with them and take a dip into the silence where you experience “The thrill in still and the still in thrill!”
“Thank you for the wonderful experience at the Cancer Wellness Center on Tuesday!! It was amazing.”
“I got invited by a friend to participate in my 1st gong meditation with Gabriela and Marian. I went in with little meditation experience and absolutely no experience with sound being a tool for meditation (and therapy). It was such a profound and amazing experience that it became the catalyst for me to begin my own spiritual journey to learn more about myself and how I am living my life. Thank you both, I look forward to many more journeys with you.”
“Wanted to extend a digital hug to you for all that you provided for my guests at the ‘Just Breathe Retreat’ this year. I can’t even really find the words to articulate the benefit I believe your methods bring to the spirit of people. This is your true calling. I fully embraced the experience and I am working on nailing down a date for next year.”