Virtual Sound Baths has moved to our new Members Area

In order to make it logistically more convenient, easier accessible and economic for you, we have created a new Members Area which now features our popular live stream virtual sound baths. Please visit the self explanatory members portal page.

Sound - ancient tool for raising consciousness

  • Did you know that each cell in your body emits sound? Are you in tune?

  • Your inner state of harmony or disharmony is your choice

  • The entry point to all is your consciousness

  • You are not separate from what is ‘out-there’, you create your own reality

Additional options

Private Sound Bath
In Person or Online

Online in the comfort of your home, for you, as a couple, family, or group of friends and associates

In Person Group
Sound Bath Events

Held in a variety of trusted venues, our sound baths are unique entry points to deep inner reflection and healing

Mindfulness in Corporations

Helps maximizing employee engagement and minimizing turnover, positively contributing to bottom line results