Reflections on how to improve your life for good
We all vibrate at different frequencies, our personal frequencies…
And the higher the frequency, the richer and more magical life’s experiences are
As our consciousness and awareness increase, so does the ability to actively co-create our rich and juicy experience of life. Vibration and sound posses fascinating qualities that support this individual process of personal evolution.
It is our hope that these entries may inspire you to embrace and practice a mindful approach to life. Enjoy reading, share, be strong and well.

The Power of Sound
The human ear is an intricate creation that begins to form cells in the embryo at about 5 weeks, allowing the baby to begin hearing sounds at 18 weeks of pregnancy. In life, hearing makes it possible to engage, listen, communicate, laugh, and enjoy many of the things that help shape our quality of life. The power of sound can be experienced in many different ways.

The Harmonious Connection: Sound Therapy and the Vagus Nerve's Influence on Relaxation
Sound has been an essential part of human culture and healing for millennia. From the rhythmic beats of tribal drums to the soothing melodies of classical music, sound has a profound impact on our emotions, well-being, and even our physiology.
One remarkable aspect of this influence is the connection between sound and the vagus nerve, a crucial component of our autonomic nervous system responsible for regulating many bodily functions, including the relaxation response. In this entry, we will explore the impactful influence of sound on the vagus nerve and how it, in turn, affects the entire nervous system, particularly in triggering the relaxation response.

Astronomers detect ‘cosmic bass note’ or ‘hum’ of gravitational waves
Water covers 70% of the Earth’s surface and is vital for all known forms of life. The cells in our bodies consist of 65 – 90% water. We cannot survive without it. So let’s look at some of the fundamental symbolic meanings of this odorless, tasteless and mysterious building block of life.
Throughout history the element of water has been associated with a rich symbolism. In its many forms, dew, rain, seas, oceans, rivers, lakes, ponds, ice etc. – it is an archetypal symbol for birth, death, and creativity. It is the formless, containing potential form and possibilities. It is the realm of dreams and the astral, the home of emotions, intuition, and inspiration.

Symbolism and soothing aspects of water
Water covers 70% of the Earth’s surface and is vital for all known forms of life. The cells in our bodies consist of 65 – 90% water. We cannot survive without it. So let’s look at some of the fundamental symbolic meanings of this odorless, tasteless and mysterious building block of life.
Throughout history the element of water has been associated with a rich symbolism. In its many forms, dew, rain, seas, oceans, rivers, lakes, ponds, ice etc. – it is an archetypal symbol for birth, death, and creativity. It is the formless, containing potential form and possibilities. It is the realm of dreams and the astral, the home of emotions, intuition, and inspiration.

Common Characteristics of Crop Circles, Cymatics and Gongs
Everything in the cosmos is made of energy. All energy vibrates but at different frequencies, thus distinguishing energies from each other. Each frequency has a distinct sound. The human body has various frequencies or cycles, including our heartbeat, breath, brainwaves, and menstrual cycles, all of which are impacted by our universe.
The fundamental basis of Cymatics, crop circles, and the gong are vibrations and sound frequencies. Cymatics uses sound to generate shapes, crop circles are believed to be linked to the intensity of sound frequencies, and the gong, when used in sound healing or sound therapy influences your internal vibrations for your betterment.
Cymatics, crop circles, and the gong's connection to sound and vibrations all point to the existence of a Divine, or Universal Energy Field...

The Significance of Symbolism in Numbers
We encounter numbers in every way and every day in our lives. In various ways we are ruled by numbers. Within the field of sound and music, numbers designate and classify rhythm, beat, frequencies, harmonics and more. Within the practice of our sound baths and playing of gongs, we regularly apply the symbolism of scared geometry into our play. Here is a brief treatise on the meaning of single digit numbers.

Meaning of Mandalas
The renown Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung, adopted the Sanskrit word mandala to describe the circle drawings he and his patients did. He associated the mandala with the Self, the center of the total personality. Jung suggested that the mandala shows the natural urge to live out our potential, to fulfill the pattern of our whole personality.
Growth toward wholeness is a natural process that brings to light ones uniqueness and individuality. For this reason Jung called the process individuation. He advocated respectful attention to the symbols of the unconscious as a way to enhance personal growth, and saw the spontaneous appearance of mandalas in dreams, imagination, and artwork as evidence that individuation is taking place.

‘The Law of Attraction’ and your thoughts
The law of attraction works universally on every plane of action, and we attract whatever we desire or expect. If we desire one thing and expect another, we become like houses divided against themselves, which are quickly brought to desolation. Determine resolutely to expect only what you desire, then you will attract only what you wish for.

Trust in your ability to materialize the unseen
A diamond ring, a symbol for love, trust, devotion and commitment. Lost, on a wide beach of mighty Lake Michigan. Feelings of disbelief, frustration, resignation and anger. What do you do when it seems impossible to find a small ring, a powerful symbol that carries an endless array of meaning and hope in a vast field of improbability?

A complete guide to the benefits of Himalayan Salt Crystal Rocks
Salt therapy such as applied in salt crystal rooms or with salt crystal lamps replicates the benefits of natural healing environments, such as forests, natural salt caves or sea air. Known also as halotherapy, and applied for hundreds of years, here you find valuable information about the origins and benefits of this ancient healing practice.

Our inherent need to connect with Nature
Where thought goes…energy flows. Hence, it would seem logical, or at a minimum plausible, to imagine that when being in a forest or by a river, the current of thoughts is calmer and potentially more nourishing, or even healing. As opposed to when being in a hurried, hectic, or unsettling environment.
The concept that humans have a biological need to connect with nature has been called biophilia, from the Greek, meaning ‘love of life and the living world’. Because we evolved in nature, we have an inherent biological need to connect with it. Humans love nature because they learned to love the things that helped them to survive. Humans are genetically determined to love the natural world. It is in their DNA, and this affinity for the natural world is fundamental to their health. Regular contact with nature is vital to our well-being. It supports our level of awareness.

Gongs change time and locality
Skillfully played, gongs provide the entry point to recovery, self-recovery, they can pull an individual back from “the edge” and create a different platform for their existence. The Gong is one of man’s most powerful and oldest transformational and therapeutic instruments. It has been used for ritual, ceremony, prayer, and meditation since the Bronze Age. While its sound is relaxing and calming, centering and energizing, transforming and healing, gongs have been used in sound meditation, vibrational therapy and yoga from the distant past to present.

Scientific research on why to consider sound for healing
Since its development as a therapy in Australia over 40,000 years ago, sound healing has been used in nearly every culture to aid in the treatment of both mental and physical illnesses and injuries, as well as to assist individuals in the dying process. Learn how science and research reveal that vibration, resonance and intention aid in the therapeutic and healing process.
The Eleven Enlightening Principles of Biocentrism
Experiments since the 1920s have unequivocally revealed that the mere presence of the observer changes an observation. Treated then and now as an oddity or inconvenience, this phenomenon strongly suggests that we are not separate from the things we see, hear, and contemplate. Rather, we—nature and the observer—are some sort of inseparable entity. This simple conclusion lies at the heart of biocentrism. But what is this entity? Unfortunately, since consciousness has only been studied superficially and largely remains a mystery, the amalgam that is “consciousness + nature” is equally enigmatic—in fact, more so.