The experience and quality of your life rise with the level of your consciousness
Meaning • Harmony • Well-Being

Your beliefs and emotions shape your perception of reality
Firmly rooted thoughts and behaviors control your evolution…for better or worse
Liberate yourself from symptomatic stress, anxiety, depression or other self-sabotaging patterns
By employing a unique 3-prong approach of Psychology, Sound Therapy and Life Coaching, we help individuals identifying and transforming personal limitations
Our methodology emphasizes and teaches 5-key prerequisites for all positive change as the entry point to living mindfully and practicing Emotional Intelligence:

The founder of quantum theory stated:
I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness.
- Max Planck Physics Nobel Prize Winner (1858 - 1947)
more Music Quotes and Life Quotes

All-Inclusive 4 day Holistic Retreat
All-Inclusive 4 day Holistic Retreat
Play this video to see what the May ‘24 retreat encompassed
A 4-Day Workshop Retreat to Harmonize, Reconnect, Thrive: Your Journey to Inner Peace & Creative Liberation
Join us for an unforgettable experience in May ‘25
May 14 - 18, 2025
Gray Bear Retreat Center in Hohenwald, TN
Join us as we delve deep into the realms of sound, presence, and ancient sonic traditions to unlock the power of your creative expression. Through the skillful fusion of gongs, ancient instruments, and sacred tonal techniques, you will harmoniously open yourself to transcend ordinary boundaries.

Our Methodology
Embark on a transformative journey through our unique blend of sound techniques and holistic practices, available both in-person and online. Our experiences open psycho-acoustic gateways to deep personal exploration, fostering emotional wellness, positive thinking, and inner empowerment - essential building blocks for creating new paradigms and manifesting your fullest potential.

Watch the award winning documentary highlighting the multifaceted healing power of gongs, and how sound, as vibrational medicine, benefits humanity at this crucial juncture.
The movie was produced by award-winning American director, John Pritchard, and German Gong Visionary, Jens Zygar. It features over 40 esteemed colleagues from 16 countries, and the world premiere on June 23, 2022 in Berlin, Germany received standing ovations. We are grateful and excited to be part of it.

Guided by our hearts, synchronicity united us at a Gong Master Class in Memphis, TN
Being from very different cultures and backgrounds, the rhythms of nature fuel our gratitude for being part of the universal symphony called life, as passionate listeners and contributors alike. Empowering and inspiring you to follow your dreams is what it is about.
Complementing the wisdom of our multi-disciplinary studies and master’s degrees in Psychology, Life Coaching, Religions, Metaphysics, Art, History, Communications, and Universal & Human Energy healing, we employ multi-faceted frequency domains of energy, vibration, and sound. Vehicles to raise awareness and prompt inner transformation.
Sound rearranges molecular structure and is being used as a complementary healing modality. Our formula featuring intention, guided meditations and sound based tools, enable participants to enter deep states of relaxation to bypass the analytical part of their brain while accessing higher consciousness…the place where sustained change resides and awaits to be awakened.

“We are slowed down sound and light waves,
a walking bundle of frequencies tuned into the cosmos.
We are souls dressed up in sacred biochemical garments and our bodies are the instruments through which our souls play their music.”
— Albert Einstein

What People Are Saying
“Wanted to extend a digital hug to you for all that you provided for my guests at the ‘Just Breathe Retreat’ this year. I can't even really find the words to articulate the benefit I believe your methods bring to the spirit of people. This is your true calling. I fully embraced the experience and I am working on nailing down a date for next year.”
- Anita M.
“I joined in on your session last night and WOW. Just WOW. Loved every second of it and are so appreciative of you two sharing your beautiful gifts with us all :). It was just what I needed.”
- Kiley E.
“I just wanted to thank you for the incredible sound bath at 105F on Sunday evening. It gave me some really powerful imagery and has inspired some new thinking, helping me to process a roadblock I've been facing. I hope to join more of your sessions after this amazing introduction! Thank you again.”
- Shannon S.
“I got invited by a friend to participate in my 1st gong meditation with Gabriela and Marian. I went in with little meditation experience and absolutely no experience with sound being a tool for meditation and healing. It was such a profound and amazing experience that it became the catalyst for me to begin my own spiritual journey to learn more about myself and how I am living my life. Thank you both, I look forward to many more journeys with you.”
- Aaron S.
“Very cool experience...I love your meditation and visualization before the gong begins...last nights‘ was the best so far for me...thank you... The last few in person and live stream sound baths left me feeling euphoric and highly energized. I usually only need 5 hours of sleep afterwards...”
- Jayne H.

Latest articles on Stress and Anxiety Relief, Meditation, Mindfulness, Gratitude and more

Introducing the Dyna-Mo™ - Modern day multi-faceted Vision Board Movie
Do you have the time, energy, clarity or opportunity to think about and identify your ideal life? Your dreams and aspirations? Have you mapped them out visually? And furthermore…do you have a course of action on how to make them a reality? We offer a dynamic and effective visual and acoustical blueprint to synthesize your future...your own custom movie

Sound - ancient healing tool for accessing higher realms of consciousness
Each cell in your body emits sound? Are you in tune?
A state of inner harmony or disharmony is always your own choice
The entry point to all is consciousness - you are it
You are not separate from what is ‘out-there’, you create your own reality

Grow with Inner Sound™ - Your custom created and Personalized Guided Meditations
Thrive with the empowering infusion of your personalized guided audio meditation to support and enhance your inner process of personal evolution and strengthening in challenging times. Inner Sound™ will effectively assist you in raising your vibrational frequencies to fortify your immune system, enable you to overcome fear, anger, frustration, sadness and emotional and even physical pain.
Free yourself from old beliefs and inner programs to manifest the life that reflects your uniqueness. Benefit from our custom tailored solution to witness the difference in how you experience life’s response.

Online Courses
Transform your life and become the greatest expression of Yourself with effective, easy to follow guidance
Our video tutorials, practices & meditations will guide you through powerful science based methods to help you achieve your highest dreams and goals in life. Benefit from 20 + years of professional experience Gabriela has gathered in the health field conducting TV programs, workshops, seminars and more.